
Shipping Policy 運送條款

Free shipping when ordering $300 or more. Only available in Santa Clara county.
Free self-pickup. Appointment required.

訂單滿 $300 免運. 限聖塔克拉拉地區.
自取免費, 需事先預約.

Refund Policy 取消訂單

Full refund if making the cancellation a week ahead of the delivery date.

若是在取貨/送貨日七日前取消訂單, 則全額退款

Return Policy 退貨條款

All sales are final. No return accepted.

我們會確保送到您手中的產品都是新鮮的. 由於衛生安全考量, 所有商品售出一概不能退還

Allergy Disclaimer 過敏聲明

All of our products are made in a kitchen that also processes milk, eggs, peanuts, nuts, gluten, etc. Although we take steps to minimize the risk of cross-contamination, we cannot guarantee that any of our products are safe to consume for people with allergies.

我們的廚房會同時也會處理牛奶, 蛋, 花生, 堅果, 麩質等等食物, 我們會依衛生規定盡力避免交互污染, 但我們不建議有嚴重過敏的人食用我們的產品.