Sesame Chiffon Cake with Sesame Buttercream 濃黑芝麻戚風蛋糕 佐芝麻奶油霜

These nutty, slightly sweet seeds add a subtle crunch to our cakes. Sesame seeds are a good source of several nutrients that are important for immune system function, including zinc, selenium, copper, and iron.

The sesame buttercream provides the nutty aroma of sesame, combined with the heady flavor in the chiffon cake, create a layered enjoyment of sesame.

芝麻的堅果香味, 甜味, 以及口感, 融入濕潤柔軟的戚風泡泡裡, 絕對是喜愛芝麻的人不能錯過的一道甜點.

芝麻奶油霜可以吃到芝麻的香氣, 搭配戚風蛋糕體中醇厚的芝麻, 可以享受到不同的層次.

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