Cancellation Policy 取消訂單規則

Full refund if you make the cancellation 7 days before the delivery date.

No refund or partial refund if canceled within 6 days of the delivery date.

For example, if you placed an order to get the cake on 08/10 and you canceled on 08/02, you will get a full refund. And if you cancel the order after 08/03, you may not get any refund or you only get partial refund.

How to cancel your order? You can find a “cancel order” link in your order confirmation email. Or, contact us directly:

Phone: (765) 491-1540

若是交貨日前七天之前取消的話, 全額退款.

交貨日前六天之內取消, 則不退款, 或部分退款.

舉例來說, 原訂 08/08 拿到蛋糕, 若是在 08/02 之前提出取消訂單, 則全額退款; 若是在 08/03 之後才提出取消申請的話, 可能部分退款, 也可能不退款.

提出取消訂單的方式: 在訂單確認通知信中, 有”取消訂單”的連結; 也可以直接聯繫我們

電話: (765) 491-1540 (希望能以簡訊聯絡為主)

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