Tahitian Vanilla Beans 大溪地香草莢

Vanilla beans are seeds inside the pods of Vanilla Planifolia. These tiny black specks bring the sweet vanilla flavor and a heady, floral aroma.

There are mainly three kinds of vanilla beans: Madagascar, Mexican, and Tahitian. Madagascar bourbon vanilla beans are the most popular type of vanilla, resulting from their clear and creamy flavor. Tahitian vanilla beans are the most expensive type of vanilla beans. The aroma is floral with undertones of ripe fruit with a deep, rich flavor that includes cherry-chocolate, licorice, and caramel, which is a perfect pair for our fluffy cakes.

If you got our vanilla pods on the cake, you could make your own vanilla sugar from it. Just wash it clean and lined-dry it. Bury the pods in sugar and seal tightly with a lid. Let them sit for 1 to 2 weeks. And you have vanilla sugar to enjoy!

See how to make your own vanilla sugar:

香草籽是香莢蘭的種子, 存在香草豆莢中, 香草廣泛的被使用在許多甜點中, 但大多是人工香料, 少部分使用香草精, 真正使用香草籽的並不常見.

最常見的香草莢有三種: 馬達加斯加, 墨西哥, 以及大溪地香草莢. 馬達加斯加香草莢是最被廣泛使用的香草莢, 因為他的香草味非常的香濃鮮明, 大溪地香草莢通常雖然比較昂貴, 但它的香味帶有花香, 成熟的果香 (調性是櫻桃巧克力, 甘草, 和焦糖味). 我們只使用 A 級的大溪地香草莢, 這種香草莢非常適合跟輕柔的戚風蛋糕搭配.

如果你在我們的蛋糕上發現了黑黑長長的香草莢, 裡面的香草籽已經被取出, 但你可以拿來做自己的香草糖, 只要把它洗乾淨晾乾, 把豆莢埋在糖裡並且密封好, 一兩週後, 你就有香草糖了唷, 拿來泡茶或烘焙都能增添風味呢!


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