<< 期間限定>> 丸久小山園五十鈴抹茶戚風 佐抹茶奶油霜 << Limited Edition>> Marukyu Koyamaen Isuzu Chiffon Cake with Matcha Buttercream

日本丸久小山園 “五十鈴” 抹茶戚風, 這款抹茶粉在小山園眾多抹茶粉中是定調在”飲用抹茶粉”, 但也可以用在甜點上, 不但有抹茶的清香, 而且趁新鮮吃還會回甘; 用在奶油霜裡又更加出色, 完美的保留了五十鈴的所有優點, 清香的茶韻, 細微卻恰到好處的澀味, 加上後味的甘甜, 與柔軟的戚風形成絕美的搭配

Japanese Marukyu Koyamaen “Isuzu” matcha chiffon cake! This matcha powder is high-end drinking matcha. It not only has an aroma and slightly bitter taste but is also followed by a sweet aftertaste (umami). When it meets buttercream, all the highlights are melted in the cream. Its bright tea aroma, delicate and slightly bitter, comes with umami. Paired with tender chiffon, they become the perfect match for matcha lovers.

<< 期間限定>> 丸久小山園五十鈴抹茶戚風 << Limited Edition>> Marukyu Koyamaen Isuzu Chiffon Cake

日本丸久小山園 “五十鈴” 抹茶戚風, 這款小山園是定調在飲用抹茶粉, 但也可以用在甜點上, 不但有抹茶的清香, 而且趁新鮮吃還會回甘, 現在全球物流不穩定, 下一包不知道有沒有著落, 此款絕對是錯過可惜的一款超限定口味

Japanese Marukyu Koyamaen “Isuzu” matcha chiffon cake! This matcha powder is one of the drinking matcha brands of Marukyu Koyamaen, but it can also be used in confectionery. It not only has an aroma and slightly bitter taste but is also followed by a sweet aftertaste (umami). This limited edition will run out fast. Make sure to try it before it’s gone.

<< 期間限定>> 法芙娜苦甜巧克力戚風 << Limited Edition>> Valhorna Bittersweet Chocolate Chiffon Cake

感覺人隨著年紀, 口味會慢慢改變, 記得小時候喜歡吃白巧克力, 慢慢變成牛奶巧克力, 現在年紀到了, 最喜歡的變成黑巧克力了

品嚐法芙娜苦甜巧克力戚風, 就像是經歷一段人生, 先是聞到濃郁的香味, 搭配深沉的口感, 接著有一些些苦味澀味, 最後帶出完整的可可風味, 這種回甘的感覺, 或許就是讓人會一直慢慢走下去的原因吧

怕苦的人可以選擇加購”自製手工藍莓醬”, 就變成連小孩也喜歡的藍莓巧克力戚風囉! 使用新鮮藍莓細細熬煮而成, 吃得到完整藍莓顆粒, 藍莓醬將會另外附上, 加的比例可以自行調整, 多的拿來塗吐司也超~好~吃~

使用 100% 法芙娜可可粉, 使用量為一般市面巧克力戚風的兩到三倍, 口感更為濃郁深沉, 可可戚風製作上難度更高, 每日限量 6 顆, 預計再一個半月會下架, 喜愛黑巧克力的人動作要快!

The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.
— Eleanor Roosevelt

A little bitterness can make food more interesting and have become beloved. Furthermore, there are cases where some bitterness could be healthy. Antioxidants, which aid in metabolism, account for the bitter taste in dark chocolate and coffee.

Valrhona bittersweet chocolate cake is a rich, flavorful, fluffy, and tender dark chocolate cake. With a hint of bitterness, it makes every bite taste more like life: heavy, flavorful, sometimes bitter, yet, still enjoyable.

Yuzu citrous chiffon cake 香柚橙蜜戚風蛋糕

Limited-Edition 期間限定

This chiffon cake is made of Korean honey citron tea, Japanese yuzu juice, and Boyajian orange oil. There layers of sour, citrus aroma, and slightly bitter taste in just one bite. Try it before it’s gone!


使用簡單成分的韓式蜂蜜柚子茶, 日式柚子原汁, 香橙精油, 交織出豐富的層次, 入口先感受到柚子汁的酸味, 接者是柳橙及柚子皮在鼻腔的香味, 最後舌頭感受到微微的澀味, 清爽又滿足.

點綴以食用級 24K 金箔, 非常適合送給常關心你的人來表達謝意

Tahitian Vanilla Beans Chiffon Cake 大溪地香草戚風蛋糕

There are mainly three kinds of vanilla beans: Madagascar, Mexican, and Tahitian. Madagascar bourbon vanilla beans are the most popular type of vanilla, resulting from their clear and creamy flavor. Tahitian vanilla beans are the most expensive type of vanilla beans. The aroma is floral with undertones of ripe fruit with a deep, rich flavor that includes cherry-chocolate, licorice, and caramel.

We use only grade A Tahitian vanilla beans. They provide floral and fruity flavor, which is a perfect pair for our fluffy cakes. These tiny little seeds floating in the cake. They are not dirt or sand. They are delicate small Tahitian black pearls in the cake.

最常見的香草莢有三種: 馬達加斯加, 墨西哥, 以及大溪地香草莢. 馬達加斯加香草莢是最被廣泛使用的香草莢, 因為他的香草味非常的香濃鮮明, 大溪地香草莢通常雖然比較昂貴, 但它的香味帶有花香, 成熟的果香 (調性是櫻桃巧克力, 甘草, 和焦糖味).

我們只使用 A 級的大溪地香草莢, 這種香草莢非常適合跟輕柔的戚風蛋糕搭配. 你可以看到蛋糕裡充滿了許多小小黑黑的香草籽, 這些不是灰塵也不是髒東西, 他們就像許多大溪地黑珍珠一樣珍貴呀!

More about Tahitian vanilla beans 關於大溪地香草莢:

Reference 參考資料:

How to keep the cake fresh? 如何保存蛋糕才能保持新鮮呢?

Naked chiffon cakes do not have whipping cream covering. They tend to dry out if not protected. No matter you put them in room temperature or in the refrigerator, make sure you seal them and keep them from contacting airs. You could use the original hexagonal origami packaging, any airtight container, or zip lock bags. Just remember to keep it airtight to keep the moisture.

If you put the cake in the refrigerator, the cake may become a little bit harder than usual. You could microwave a piece for 20-30 seconds, covering with a damp hand towel or wet paper towel. The cake will regain texture and become super soft and moisturized.

Cakes with buttercream could be stored at room temperature for two days. The purpose that we refrigerate the cake before delivery is to keep the shape during transportation. You can enjoy a buttercream chiffon cake both at room temperature and refrigerated. The texture and flavors are different. Just try it.

戚風裸蛋糕因為沒有塗一層鮮奶油保護, 所以最怕水分蒸發乾掉, 保存的時候不管是室溫還是放冷藏, 都要密封好, 避免水氣散掉. 可以用包裝的六角形摺紙包好, 也可以移到保鮮盒或是夾鏈袋裡封好, 重點就是要避免空氣流通, 保持住水分.

冷藏可能會讓蛋糕變得稍硬一些, 要吃之前可以切一塊下來, 放到微波爐裡, 蓋一塊濕布 (或濕的餐巾紙), 微波 20-30 秒, 蛋糕就會變軟, 比剛出爐還要好吃.

有奶油霜的蛋糕其實還是可以放在常溫保存, 奶油泡泡在運送前會先將奶油霜蛋糕冷藏, 是為了讓奶油霜定型, 運送的時候比較不會被震壞. 至於奶油霜蛋糕是常溫比較好吃, 還是冷藏比較好吃呢? 常溫跟冷藏的口感不太一樣, 就看個人喜好囉!

How much caffeine is decaffeinated? Does it make a difference? 低咖啡因到底有多低? 成本比較高但有意義嗎?

When I was pregnant with my second one, I was super sensitive to caffeine. It disturbed my sleep, not only when having black tea, but also tea cakes. However, I am not a fan of herbal tea. I ended up stock up numerous decaffeinated tea. Although they are a little more expensive, at least I can have the freedom to enjoy a cup of tea.

When I was communicating with the ambassador of “the Republic of Tea”, she said, “the caffeine level still should be minimal when used in baking.” It sounds pretty reasonable, so I estimated the caffeine content in my tea cakes if I use the original black tea. The result is, 200 mg of caffeine in a 6 inches cake! That’s about half of the safety consumption that is recommended by the Mayo Clinic. That means if you “accidentally” had too much cake, you may not have tea on that day. No wonder my sleep got disturbed when I had tea cakes. (You can see how much tea leaves we put in our cakes.)

After discussing with my business partners, we decided to keep using decaffeinated black tea. You can enjoy a whole cake after dinner, even some people who are sensitive to caffeine could try it.

之前懷第二胎的時候, 對咖啡因變得很敏感, 只要傍晚以後有喝紅茶, 晚上就不好睡, 就連茶蛋糕也是, 偏偏我又不愛喝花草茶, 只好把家裡的茶全部都換成低咖啡因茶, 雖然價格高了一些, 但至少我還可以保有一點喝茶的自由

這次準備開店在跟 Republic of Tea 的業務接洽的時候, 業務說: “通常烘培用普通紅茶就可以了吧, 反正用的量又不多~” 說得好像有道理, 我就認真算了一下, 如果用普通紅茶的話, 6 吋蛋糕裡到底會有多少咖啡因, 結果是大約 200 mg, 是 Mayo Clinic 建議每日安全攝取量的一半!! 意思是如果不小心蛋糕吃得多了一點, 那天就不能再喝茶了, 難怪之前懷孕的時候吃茶蛋糕會容易睡不著 (看來我們的蛋糕裡真的加很多茶葉喔)

所以雖然用低咖啡因茶會貴一些些, 但我們還是決定繼續使用低咖啡因茶, 即使晚上吃掉一整個蛋糕也不用怕, 對咖啡因敏感的長輩跟小孩也可以試試

Why There Are Lots of Crumbs Around the Cake? 為什麼蛋糕側面有很多屑屑?

有幾個客人提出了他們的疑惑: 奶油泡泡的戚風蛋糕表面, 好像有很多屑屑, 是不是不應該有這些屑屑?

這個問題問得很好, 事情要從蛋糕如何脫模說起…

脱模, 就是指蛋糕烤好之後, 要從蛋糕模裡拿出來. 戚風蛋糕脱模的方式有兩種: 徒手脱模, 或是使用脱模刀/小刀/刮刀.

先說第一種: 徒手脱模*, 基本上就是用手慢慢的把蛋糕剝下來, 這樣蛋糕表層大部分都會黏在模具上, 不過蛋糕越濕軟, 脫模的難度也就越高. 我試著戴著手套徒手脱模了幾次, 都慘敗收場, 當然不要戴手套會比較有手感, 但因為衛生問題, 我真的想要盡量不要徒手碰蛋糕, 所以選擇用第二種方式.

第二種方式: 使用刀具脱模, 用脱模刀把蛋糕從模具上刮下來, 這種脫模方式會把表層也都一起刮下來, 大部分店家會再用手把屑屑撥掉, 但一樣因為衛生問題, 我盡量不想多碰烤好的蛋糕, (用刷子刷掉屑屑一樣會有污染問題). 而且!! 我覺得這層屑屑很好吃呀~~~這層可是梅納反應 (Maillard reaction)** 的精華呢!

所以請大家了解這層屑屑怎麼來的, 試著嚐嚐看這些看起來醜醜的屑屑吧, 真的很好吃唷~

Some of my customers asked me a question: “Why there are lots of crumbs around the cake? Does it supposed to be like this?”

That’s a good question. To understand how do these crumbs come from, we need to understand the process: how to get the cake out of the mold?

There are two ways to remove the cake from the mold: by hand or by a knife.

By hand is a technique that requires some practice*. It will leave a skin layer on the mold and give you a clean, smooth cake. However, when I am wearing gloves and handling a super moist, soft cake, it’s nearly impossible to get it out of the mold perfectly.

Due to food safety, I try to avoid contact with cake as much as possible. So, I choose the knife method. Just like angel food cake, you could use a butter knife to cut the edge from the mold. There will be some crumbs on the surface of the cake. These crumbs are very delicious because they are the product of Maillard reaction**. If you really don’t want these crumbs, you can use your hand or a brush to peel them away.

* 註一: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yVe27jQTQo
This video shows how to remove the cake from the pan by hand.

** 註二: 梅納反應 Maillard reaction: https://bit.ly/MaillardSkin

Tahitian Vanilla Beans Chiffon Cake with Lemon Buttercream 大溪地香草戚風蛋糕 佐檸檬奶油霜

There are mainly three kinds of vanilla beans: Madagascar, Mexican, and Tahitian. Madagascar bourbon vanilla beans are the most popular type of vanilla, resulting from their clear and creamy flavor. Tahitian vanilla beans are the most expensive type of vanilla beans. The aroma is floral with undertones of ripe fruit with a deep, rich flavor that includes cherry-chocolate, licorice, and caramel.

We use only grade A Tahitian vanilla beans. They provide floral and fruity flavor, which is a perfect pair for our fluffy cakes. These tiny little seeds floating in the cake. They are not dirt or sand. They are delicate small Tahitian black pearls in the cake.

Lemon buttercream is made from cultured European butter with food-grade lemon essential oil. The light sour and citrous scent is perfect pair with Tahitian vanilla beans. Results in layered floral, citrus, and caramel flavors.

最常見的香草莢有三種: 馬達加斯加, 墨西哥, 以及大溪地香草莢. 馬達加斯加香草莢是最被廣泛使用的香草莢, 因為他的香草味非常的香濃鮮明, 大溪地香草莢通常雖然比較昂貴, 但它的香味帶有花香, 成熟的果香 (調性是櫻桃巧克力, 甘草, 和焦糖味).

我們只使用 A 級的大溪地香草莢, 這種香草莢非常適合跟輕柔的戚風蛋糕搭配. 你可以看到蛋糕裡充滿了許多小小黑黑的香草籽, 這些不是灰塵也不是髒東西, 他們就像許多大溪地黑珍珠一樣珍貴呀!

搭配的檸檬奶油霜是用發酵的奶油, 加入食用級檸檬精油, 微微的酸帶出檸檬香氣, 跟花香調的大溪地香草搭配起來, 柔和的層次還融合了一些焦糖味, 喜歡檸檬香的你一定不能錯過.

More about Tahitian vanilla beans 關於大溪地香草莢:

Reference 參考資料:

Sesame Chiffon Cake with Sesame Buttercream 濃黑芝麻戚風蛋糕 佐芝麻奶油霜

These nutty, slightly sweet seeds add a subtle crunch to our cakes. Sesame seeds are a good source of several nutrients that are important for immune system function, including zinc, selenium, copper, and iron.

The sesame buttercream provides the nutty aroma of sesame, combined with the heady flavor in the chiffon cake, create a layered enjoyment of sesame.

芝麻的堅果香味, 甜味, 以及口感, 融入濕潤柔軟的戚風泡泡裡, 絕對是喜愛芝麻的人不能錯過的一道甜點.

芝麻奶油霜可以吃到芝麻的香氣, 搭配戚風蛋糕體中醇厚的芝麻, 可以享受到不同的層次.