How do I get my cakes? 如何拿到蛋糕呢?

There are three ways to get the cakes: self-pickup, deliver to your door, or meet points.
有三種方法: 自取, 貨送到府, 或是面交點取貨, 以下一一說明

Self-Pickup 自取

No Shipping Fee
Curbside Service

We are located in south San Jose, near the San Jose Cambrian Branch Library.
Address: 1754 Hillsdale Ave., San Jose, CA. 95124
(The third house next to the library.)

You could choose the desired time interval when you put an order. The interval is 15 minutes. Please notify us in advance if you cannot make it. (Phone# 7654911540 or

No Show
We reserve the right to refuse service to our customers if they do not show for several times without notifying us in advance.

自取不需要運費, 不論您買多少, 都免運費

我們的家庭烘焙坊位於 south San Jose, Cambrian 圖書館附近, 在圖書館隔壁第三間房子, 停車可以停在圖書館後方的停車場, 也可以路邊停車, 都沒問題
地址: 1754 Hillsdale Ave., San Jose, CA. 95124 可在 google maps 上開啟位置

我們可以直接幫您送到車上, 省去您上下車的時間.

我們會盡量配合您的時間, 不過某些時段如果真的沒辦法配合, 在下訂單的時候就會告知, 謝謝您的體諒. 面交有 15 分鐘的緩衝時間, 如果真的沒辦法在 15 分鐘之內趕到, 請主動連絡告知 (電話 7654911540 或
若是不確定到時候取貨的時段, 也可以在下單的時候備註一下希望的聯絡方式, 可以到接近面交的時候再聯絡確定的時段.

若是多次約好面交卻未出現, 視情況可能將來都無法提供服務, 非常抱歉.

Deliver to Your Door 親送到府

Delivery Fee
$5 if the order is under $300 (after discount, credits applied, and before tax). Free delivery if the total amount is $300 or up.

Delivery Area
We deliver to most Santa Clara County. You could check if your location is in our delivery area or not by putting your postcodes in the “Order – To Your Door.”
We deliver to Sunnyvale, Mountain View, San Jose, Cupertino, Campbell, Saratoga, Los Altos, part of Palo Alto, Los Gatos, and Milpitas.
If your location is not in our delivery area yet, you can only choose “self-pickup” or “meet point” when placing an order. We are sorry for your inconvenience. We will try to deliver to the whole county in the future.

You could choose from “10:00 am to 1:00 pm” or” 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm”. Please make sure that you are at the location and could get the package right away. Although our products are not-perishable, do not let them stand in hot temperatures for several hours.
If you have an ice chest, you could put some ice cubes in it and let us know. We will put the products in the ice chest. By doing this, we will help reduce the usage of disposable insulated bags and ice packs.

If your location is hard to get a parking spot, please provide some information in the “special request” column when putting an order, like guest parking locations, where you can find a space easier, etc. We will do our best to get to you, we may try to call you. However, if we still could not make it, we will contact you and make some arrangements.

訂單滿 $300 (折扣後稅前金額), 貨送到府免運費, 若是未滿 $300, 則酌收 $5 運費

大部分聖塔克拉拉區域都會送, 您可以在我們的官網 “訂購 – 親送到府” 的欄位輸入您的郵遞區號, 就可以知道有沒有在親送範圍內.
基本上, Sunnyvale, Mountain View, San Jose, Cupertino, Campbell, Saratoga, Los Altos, 一部分的 Palo Alto, Los Gatos, 以及 Milpitas 都在親送範圍內.
若是不在我們親送範圍內, 那很抱歉, 目前您只能選擇”自取” 或 “面交點取貨” 這兩種方式, 日後若是有能力, 我們會逐步將配送範圍擴大到整個聖塔克拉拉.

訂購時可以選擇希望送達的時段, 分成上午跟下午, 我們的產品雖然都是至少可以常溫保存一兩天, 但有時候夏天天氣炎熱, 希望能夠在您能馬上收貨的時間跟地點才選擇配送, 不要讓食物在烈日下曝曬幾個小時, 以免風味流失, 甚至變質.
如果您有冰桶, 也可以預先在裡面放一些冰, 把冰桶放在門口, 並且先告知我們, 我們會配合把產品放在冰桶裡, 這樣可以保持產品的溫度, 也比較環保, 可以減少使用保冰袋, 我們會非常感謝您.

若是很難停車的地點 (市中心, 大型集合住宅, 私人公司等等), 希望能在訂購時, 在 “特殊需求” 欄位提供一些停車的資訊 (哪裡有 guest parking, 從哪個入口會比較容易找到車位等等), 我們會努力送達, 必要時也會聯絡您訂購時留的電話號碼; 但若是真的沒辦法送達, 我們會再另行聯絡, 請見諒.

Meet Point 面交點取貨

Delivery Fee
$5 if the order is under $300 (after discount, credits applied, and before tax). Free delivery if the total amount is $300 or up.

Meet point
We provide several meet points in public parking lots around Santa Clara county.

You could choose the desired time interval when you put an order. The interval is 15 minutes. Please notify us in advance if you could not make it. (Phone# 7654911540 or

Curbside Service

No Show
We reserve the right to refuse service to our customers if they no show several times without notifying us in advance.

訂單滿 $300, 面交點取貨免運費, 若是未滿 $300, 則酌收 $5 運費

我們在周邊設了許多個面交點, 都是交通方便的停車場, 可以約在面交點取貨,

下訂時需選擇預約的時段, 面交有 15 分鐘的緩衝時間, 如果真的沒辦法在 15 分鐘之內趕到, 請主動連絡告知 (電話 7654911540 或

我們可以直接幫您送到車上, 省去您上下車的時間.

若是多次約好面交卻未出現, 視情況可能將來都無法提供服務, 非常抱歉.

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