Sesame Chiffon Cake 濃黑芝麻戚風蛋糕

These nutty, slightly sweet seeds add a subtle crunch to our cakes. Sesame seeds are a good source of several nutrients that are important for immune system function, including zinc, selenium, copper, and iron.

芝麻的堅果香味, 甜味, 以及口感, 融入濕潤柔軟的戚風泡泡裡, 絕對是喜愛芝麻的人不能錯過的一道甜點.

Decaf Earl Grey Chiffon Cake 低咖啡因伯爵奶茶戚風蛋糕

We proudly serve “The Republic of Tea” “Decaffeinated Earl Greyer.” The Republic of Tea uses a natural CO2 high-pressure extraction process employing carbon dioxide, which is highly effective at removing the caffeine without compromising the flavor, color, quality, or other beneficial components.

The perfect balance of eggs, milk, and tea leaves. By using the decaffeinated tea leaves, you could enjoy some cake without worrying about sleepness disturbance, even after dinner.

我們選用 “The Republic of Tea” 的低咖啡因伯爵紅茶, 他們使用超臨界二氧化碳萃取法來移除茶葉中的咖啡因, 可以最大程度地保留茶的風味, 色澤, 以及風味.

蛋糕裡選用低咖啡因的茶葉, 即使吃得多了一點也不用擔心影響睡眠, 就算是晚餐後也可以安心享用茶蛋糕.

Cakes Calories Comparison 蛋糕熱量比較

Chiffon cake is a kind of cake that has low calories compared to pound cake, fresh cream cake, or crepe cake. In fact, it only contains calories less than half of a fresh cream cake.Our chiffon cakes have even lower calories. Because our ratio of water is even higher, it attributes to the moisture and fluffy texture of the cake. Let’s enjoy a cake full of joy, not full of fat.

戚風蛋糕熱量算是很低的, 跟磅蛋糕, 鮮奶油蛋糕, 或是千層蛋糕比起來, 熱量不到一半呢
Butter n Bubbles 的戚風熱量又更低了, 因為飽含了水份, 粉類跟油類的添加都比較少, 口感濕潤綿密會吃到滿足, 不會吃到肥油